How and where do you create barcodes for your products?

Two types of bar code

Barcodes, the so-called barcodes you see everywhere.
For more than 40 years, this has been the way par excellence to quickly identify products by scanning the code.
To barcode your products, there are two possibilities.
product owner or seller on and Amazon, your products need a unique identification number.
For this purpose a
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or European Article Number (EAN) required, which you can find at GS1 can request.
A barcode is also required for goods delivered to ShopWeDo, but it does not necessarily have to be a GTIN.
In this case, you can create your own barcodes online with a code-128 generator or by using a barcode font.

What is GS1?

Online, you can find a lot of resellers offering GTIN/EAN codes at interesting prices.
This is because these companies purchase barcodes in bulk.
We recommend choosing the official codes that comply with the
GS1 standards.
GS1 is namelijk de enige instelling die wereldwijd erkend is als uitgiftepunt van deze identificatienummers.

The organization is working on a database that will allow companies to share information with each other.
In this way, they want to achieve global standardization.
By using GS1 codes, you speak a uniform language with all your trading partners and your products are
globally traceable and identifiable.
registered GTIN/EAN codes from GS1 actually contain information about the product and the company.
When you purchase unregistered GTIN/EAN codes through third parties, these codes are not in your name.
Your products are then linked with the name of the reseller from whom you purchased the codes

GTIN, how do you get started?

GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg is part of the global GS1 organization which now operates in more than 100 countries.
On the website, several
code packages offered that allow you to request barcodes yourself.
Which package is best for your business depends on what you want to identify, the size of your assortment and the number of variants per product.

As a company, you must first register at GS1 by creating an account online.
Then you will receive a unique
company number assigned.
sequence numbers and a control number added.
In this way, the number combination can be linked to a particular product.
The article code is then translated into a
barcode with dashes so it is readable by a scanner. In your account you can create a new product in the product manager.
Doorloop de volgende 4 stappen om een barcode te bekomen voor je artikel:

  • Packaging: what is the code needed for?
    e.g. base unit (article itself) or pallet
  • Product information: complete the characteristics of your product
  • Confirmation: confirm the information entered
  • Barcode: the code is ready for use

Cost GTIN codes

For webshops with a small assortment, GS1 offers a special package.
For this you pay
€55 for 10 GTINs.
Wanneer je meer dan tien producten aanbiedt kan je een groter pakket aanvragen.
Meld je aan op de website en ontvang tarieven op maat van jouw bedrijf.

Want to know more about getting started with GS1 identification numbers?

Read all the information you need to get started on the website or watch this video.