UK to EU Parcel Forwarding Fulfilment Service

Easily forward all your packages to all countries of the European Union.

For whom is this interesting?

This service is intended for web stores and marketplace sellers from the UK who regularly deliver packages to consumers in the EU.

Since Brexit, it has become a lot more complicated for UK-based e-commerce merchants to supply their European customers quickly and easily. Due to slow customs clearance, it is often the case that packages are sometimes 5 to 10 days longer in transit with no clear status of the package. On top of slow delivery in the EU, the customers sometimes have to pay additional costs such as import taxes and VAT. Not a fun experience for your customers.


  • Fast deliveries within the EU.
  • Choice of almost all European shipping parties.
  • Belgium is the only one border away from all major e-commerce markets (France, Germany, Benelux,…).
  • Because of your bulk export, you only have to do customs formalities once.
  • Your customers no longer pay customs or import fees.
  • Online real-time tracking of all your packages.

How does it work?

You deliver the shipping-ready packages to us and we relabel them here locally with your European shipping party of choice.

  1. You need an account in our online portal. In this account you can manage all shipping parties and get a real-time overview of the service we provide.
  2. You pre-register your shipments through our online portal. This can be done manually, with a bulk upload (Excel, csv,…) , via EDI or API.
  3. You apply scannable labels by us to each package.
  4. You export your parcels at once to our warehouse in Belgium.
  5. Upon arrival at our facility, packages are scanned and relabeled with a local European shipping label.
  6. Packages leave the same day for their destination within Europe.
  7. Within our online portal, we provide track & trace.

What is the cost?

In our online portal you have a real-time view of your stock, the status of your deliveries, orders and returns anytime, anywhere.

Our online dashboard can be accessed online 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world and includes various reporting options to keep track of your stock.

You can also access our portal on mobile and for the iPhone we even have an app!

Software plugins

Through simple plugins you can connect your webshop or ERP with our fulfillment platform.
We have so-called ‘plugins’ with almost all leading ERP and webshop systems on the market.

Our plugins synchronize real-time order information, track & tace, inventory levels, etc.

Do we not have this plugin? No problem, our in-house developers will get started right away!

Through our API it is also possible to let your developers develop their own applications on our platform. There are also possibilities to link ERP systems, billing software or even POS systems.