Our locations

Multi-modal approach in specialized locations

We operate in the following locations. The structure of our company and software built in such a way that we can operate from any location, domestic and/or foreign. Because each customer has specific needs, we chose this approach rather than one mega-warehouse.

ShopWeDo Mechelen EW1

(Industrie Mechelen-Zuid zone B)
Egide Walschaertsstraat 22A, 22CD, 22E, 22F
2800 Mechelen

Here are also our offices.

ShopWeDo Mechelen EW2

(Industrie Mechelen-Zuid zone B)
Egide Walschaertsstraat 22A
2800 Mechelen

ShopWeDo Ostend OS1

(Ostend Stores Business Park)
Oudenburgsesteenweg 31 – C9
8400 Oostende